Nature's Touch | About The Writer | Characters | Concept Art | Links | Guest Book
Nature's Touch

Deep in a forgotten forest, things are discovered. Given to one man to change what he holds dear, he fights as Her Hand. Through the adventure's and the many faces he meets, his feet take him on a longer, winding road. Maybe, he just might feel, Nature's Touch.

This is a story written by me, based in a fantasy setting and many other fictional aspects, such as magic, runes, ect. The story is currently in the works, and updated every so often. Probably about a few times a month. The story, characters, and everything in the story is own and is property of Nikolas Padlaszek. This story isn't recommended for all readers, since it does have 'not so happy' things happening in it. Such as, gore, battles, death, ect. If all appeals to you, go ahead and read the story! :)

Updates, updates, updates

Okay, because this subject has irritated me so much, I need to post something to clear this matter up. (This is in regards to "someone youll never"'s post on my chat-box) This is what "they" (being I don't know who they are" said:
/start quote "nik im sorrry to be the one to tell you but if you do that internet school thinger you will have no life.. except video games.. you will never have any real friends cept the ones on your computer! you are going to be so unsocial and alone! i hate to tell! but it is true! I suggested you get out of your house.. and get your ass off of the computer chair and od something!" /end quote
Now then, time to explain something, and thank you Trist for not being a jackass :) Anyways, This person is referring to my life style which consists of video games, food, bathroom, video games, and sleep. Now then, I'm call a computer geek, said of having "no life", but see the thing you have to ask yourself is, 'Does Nik even care?' Hell no. You can say all the crap you want and I'll still play my games like there's no tomorrow. The thing is, I hate being around kids my age (and yes, kids. ages 13-16) Why? Because they're stupid idiots. Not being 'social' is the best thing I can do for myself. I don't like being in school having "oh he's doing this and she's doing that," blah blah blah. Yes, I'm unsocial. And I happy of that? Am I proud of that? Yes I most certainly am. If people don't like who and how I am, they can piss off and go away. Will I care? Nope. Yep, sometimes I get lonely and such, but hell, I'd rather be alone that with a group of jackasses that don't give a crap whether I drop dead in the next 3.7 seconds. Do I want that? No. Am I happy with my life? Yep. I've had a recent turn around from, being social and worrying about other people and wasting my time on that crap, to, what I am now! Uncaring about most 'social' things and people. I've cut myself off from Real Life idiots and went from uber-depressed to Happy because of that. I hate being around my peers and doing 'social' things, so basically what they say doesn't bother me. Yes I'm a computer geek and damn proud of it. And also note, I do care enough about the matter to DEFEND myself and point out how stupid people are. I care about somethings, but being social isn't one of them. I get more out of my games then I ever will by being 'social'. I'm happy with my life, with my video games and everything in it. I'm not going to say "To hell with my games! I'll be a social jackass like everyone else and become miserable again! Woot!" No. It doesn't work that way. You people can call me what you will. I'll just continue to level up my Dragoon in FFXI :) That sums most of this matter up. See, you need to think before you speak, which is the problem with my peers. They don't think. Also, if this matter doesn't drop, and people continue to use the chat box for saying "I have no life" I will take the chat box down. Heed my warning. Or I'll figure out how to ban your IP address from my site. :) No that I'm finished posting this 'update' I'm going to go play my video games. Have a nice day :)
Whew, Late at night and nothing better to do than post an update! Well, I cleared out the files on my old PC and deleted my NT-HTML copy... I have a back-up.. But well, HTML doesn't make me want to click my heels. FFXI is great, But I've actually been thinking of trying out WoW (Blizzard's new Drool-o-licious MMORPG) But, I'm lacking the funds. I actually have quite a bit of money at the moment, but I don't feel like blowing it on these games and not having anything for Otakon.... I've already ordered my Limited Edition GBA SP, so that should be enough. Once it finally comes anyway... So then, I'll be starting my costume one of these days, (Naruto owns all!) and I'll completely blow away everyone else with my 1337-costume making skills. Or something like that. So once that's all finished I'm set for summer. Ginger Ale, Games, Cheese Bread, Games, and some sleep. That makes up my whole summer plans. And the long awaited question: Will I be going to Upper Perkiomen High School next school year? Nope. I've been enrolled in my Cyber school again, so UP can kiss my arse. So thats that. I'm still playing Pokemon Sapphire due to the fact that it's a good game and the only GBA game I haven't beaten yet, so it's turning out very well. (I will crush you with my power!) I've now gotten into Playing two games at once, FFXI >> GBA >> FFXI >> GBA >> FFXI... You get the idea. Pretty fun actually, saves precious game time ;) Yes yes, gamer freak, no new news to me. I'll be installing my camera one of these days, getting a new picture of myself upload (Woo! Go long hair) and that includes most of this month's plans. Back to your lives, I'm going to go play my GBA.
Time for the Mid-Month update. Well, I've been pretty set on playing Final Fantasy XI nonstop for the past.. Year? Well so I'm pretty wrapped up in that, so I eventually am going to get back into righting this story. Summer is wonderful, sleeping 'til Noon, awake 'til 3:00am. Perfection. Anyways, I'd just like to make a not about the chat-box-thingy. For one, people asking me questions such as, am I going to my public school this next school year? Well, being a young 15-year old writer that I am, I'll need to go SOMEWHERE, where that is yet, I don't know. Me and my parents have very err... 'disagreeing' thoughts, so, only the gods will show me thy true path. Or something like that. Otakon is approaching! I'll have to get working on my costume sometime soon. Being Sasuke, from the anime/manga: Naruto. The Fuuma Shuriken wont be very easy to make... And I'm looking into other Anime Cons that would be interesting, but yet again, being a 'young 15-year old', I cant drive yet, so that therefor equals: Screwed. Looks like video games will have to do. Also just ordered my new GBA SP Seiken Densetsu Limited edition last night, very drool-o-licious. Also helpful since I've been playing many GBA games as of late, Metroid, Castlevania, FFTA, Pokemon... (*holds head down in shame*) Pfft, actually I don't care what people thing. I like the pokemon games and you know where to cram it if you have the urge to say something stupid. Think before you speak fellas. And that wraps up this months events pretty much. I'm *hoping* to get a new update written up sometime in the near future, but who knows what will arise. The new Metroid Prime 2 Looks very spiffy... Anyway, thats all folks. Go back to your daily lives.
Whew, no new updates... Well there is a reason for that. I've been very, very busy with school work, since school is coming to a close today, so once summer hits, its all video games and writing! Woo! Happy days, happy days. Now, recently, people that I 'know' have been asking if I will be going to my public school I went to before... Well, The chances are.. Slim at best. I hate that school with a passion and hope it gets burned to the ground. Meanwhile, I went to the movies last night and saw the new Harry Potter (tm) Movie. And first off, before I start commenting about it, All you people who say 'Harry Potter is evil and the devil' and crap like that, well, it's crap. If your too dense to look past the 'magic' and not see the actual story and the FRIENDSHIP that the story shows, then go dunk your head in a toilet. But I guess friendship is evil also? Oh please, you people just want to rant about something and supposedly a book is enough for you. Well as I was saying, I loved it :D I've been reading Harry Potter since I was 10 (In 1st grade) and I've always like the books, #3 being my all time favorite. The movie was good, everything was good. And ooooohh Emma Watson (The Actor who plays Hermione Granger) Ahhh, shes the best... *cough* anyways, once school is over it means quite a bit more free time for me. *Most* of it will go to video games (Final Fantasy XI actually) And the rest will go to sleeping, eating, and writing. That's basically my whole summer plan. Notice TV isnt shown there, due to the fact TV went to the dogs and I cant stand watching it for more than 7.5 seconds. Unless of course I'm watching a movie.. But thats different. Anyways, There wont be any new story updates today due to the fact that I will be working all day to try and cram in my extra work I didn't finish. Also, if anyone even bothers to read the updates, send me an email! Tell me how you like the story so far, and how you think something could improve, ect. Email is: or: Lets me know what you think!
Alrighty, a few new goodies on the site. For starers, I did finally finish Valihel's back story, and I also change the story page to an angel fire page. This will hopefully save bandwith in the future for posting pictures and other junk ^^; On top of that, I added a guest book which is free and open for use! So if you dont feel like spamming the chat box, post in the guest book. I've talken a huge break to think about story and new characters. Yes! New characters! I dont want to give away too much, so people will just have to wait :) I've also had a busy and hectic past two weeks. I've been bogged down by school work, parents, ect. So hopefully I'm ready to get back on track either now or soon-ish. I'll also be posting new art work that I'm drawing once I get my stupid scanner hooked up and download the drivers. Phew, that all said and done, I need to go eat something. Go check out the new story site! It can be found by clicking on 'Nature's Touch' at the top like before, it'll open up a new window and take you to where the story is. Spiffy eh? Well thats all for now. Go read it!
Woo! Chapter two finished! Chapter three will probably be pretty short, since it is mainly a backstory on Valihel. But read it! I'm not quite finished with it yet, but I'm getting too it ^^;; I have to much junk that I dont feel like putting here, so basically, go read the new update!
Alrighty, a few new site updates, located on the Characters page. It also gives a few hits about what is going to be in the next story update (Which will be posted hopefully soon ^^;;) and it will include a backstory of Valihel and his brother; Talakaphis. Not all that much for updates, but I have been uber busy working on school, and playing FFXI has cut into my writing time ^^; So anyways, the new part of the story should be released this week. Carry on folks.
Bleh, a long and tiring week. Okay, i'm gonna try and make this as short as I can, because I'm feeling just a bit sleepy... Anyways, how story updates are, there will be another part of the story added sometime this week, which will go into more detail of Valihel's past, and more of a back story. As for the site updates, I just created the "Characters" page, which provides a small backround for each of the main characters... Be sure to read it! I'm also hoping to get some more drawings up soon, maybe even some colored ones... I'll see what I can do. Be sure to read the story if you didn't already, and any feed back is welcome, whether in the chat-box or my email. That's all for now. Oh and its also a strong possiblity that I'll be getting new hosting! Joy. Well that's it for not. Read the story ^^
Phew, not many updates for a while. Mainly I was busy with games (Final Fantasy XI) and thinking up thoughts for current story-line. Now that everything is all well and updated, we have alot of goodies in the update! I put music on each page of the site, but unfortunately, they didn't work. -_-;; Anyways, with the story we've got alotta stuff. Spells, more demons, dreams, powers, cat-girls (^_^), and a NEW character! Well.. a new character in a way... You'll just have to READ to FIND OUT! ^^ Anyways, I'm pretty busy, so hopefully it won't take as long. Hopefully I'll also get new drawings up, (including fan art ^_^) and some other junk that people probably wont look at! ^^;; Thats all for today, but be sure to visit the links in 'The Links' section, lots of good sites there, especially the forums ^_~ Read the story!
There are a few new aditions to the site, (See the 'links' page) And I've taken some time off to think up more ideas. I'm getting back into writing and the story should be updated eiter tomorrow, or the day after. I've been fairly busy, I've been trying to get some Concept Art done, and that should be posted tomorrow also. School has been my number 1 thing so far, and I've been taking a break from writing to stay up late and play video games all night.. Well anyways, things should be getting fairly interesting. If you haven't already read the story so far, read it :) Other than that, nothing is really 'happening'. So hopefully then new concept art, story, and other 'goodies' will be all finished and ready to post by tomorrow (Sunday) or the day after. Oh and visit all the links in the 'Links' page :) That's all for now.
Hurray, I finally have some concept art (located on the concept art page) Its a very rough sketch of Hael's hook swords. I should be getting more up soon. I also added a picture of myself on the About the Write page. Oh joy. Well anyways, I'm taking some more time off to think up more plot, but there should be more story sometime soon. I'm also going on a trip sometime soon, so that should be fairly interesting. Other than that, theres not much else going on. Waiting for August for when Otakon ( starts. I'll be adding a 'Links' Page sometime, to various links such as forums, web comics, things like that. But we NEED some fan art/concept art! So lets get some drawing done people. Look for updates in the next couple of days, I should get back on track writing again once I'm done thinking. Thats all for this rant.
Finally got to work on Part II today. I have to warn readers its a bit graphic with blood and gore.. Certain things 'happen' so, you'll have to read and find out. I'll probably do some more writing tomorrow, if not, the day after, and if not the day after, then-- well, you get the idea. Hopefully Part II will turn out good, there should be some interesting things happening.. Also there will be some love in Part II, but it'll be good nonetheless. (Put two and two together and you'll guess what I mean) I may take another break to think up more story line things, but if I do, I'll be sure to post and update. Now that you've read my rant, go read the beginning of Part II! :)

Yes! Part one is finally finished! Next up is part two, which will start either today, tomorrow, or sometime after tomorrow. Jeez, it took forever but part one is finally done. <Happy party dance> Joy. Time to get to work on Part Two. Read the whole Part One now that it's finished :)


Alrighty, so now the story is currently updated to what I currently have. (Unless of course if I write some today which I most likely will) The regular computer I'm on during the day is such a pain, it being a mac, seems to want to make my life a little more of a pain. Ugh, first the java script doesn't load right, making the story get all mushed together without any paragraphs... <sigh> Just a big hassle. Well the story is updated anyway. A few more paragraphs, swords, catgirls, fun. All the good stuff. I've took some time off the weeks before to come up with more story ideas, so hopefully everything is all set to go for a while. I also made a new email ( so I can send my work to and from computers like a use to. At least until my old email broke down... Well I should be keeping the updates daily or so, and telling if I'm taking a break to think or whatever. Well thats it for ranting for the day... Another update should come either tomorrow or the day after at the latest. I do have school work also, so I have to balance things out. I don't want to flunk -_-;; So thats it. Don't forget to email me with feed back .W00t, I got the chat thingy working... thats all...


Goodie. The site is all up and ready to go. I would've updated the story also, but unfortunately, my email took a crap and isn't working, so I can't send my work back and forth from computer to computer... <sigh> What a big hassle. Well anyways, there should be some niffty stuff happening soon, from-- eh, you'll have to read and find out. So far, tripod has served me well, but I sincerely hope I don't go over the bandwith.. So that means I won't be able to add very many pictures. So i'll have to limit the concept art to limited things.. Weapons and characters. Main ones please -_-;; I hate Macs with every inch of my body. Well, that's it for my first rant and my first update on the new site. Hopefully this'll be good. Now the important thing... Stop reading the update and read the story. Feed back is always welcome. Feel free to email me with feed back. My contact info is located in the 'About The Writer' page.

Please read the story, its the purpose of this site.